Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2024
Generated 22-Oct-2024 03:25 Iran Standard Time

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2024
Total Hits 645714
Total Files 593223
Total Pages 643021
Total Visits 3208
Total KBytes 5475888
Total Unique Sites 1474
Total Unique URLs 170
Total Unique Referrers 309
Total Unique User Agents 695
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1281 4322
Hits per Day 30748 38628
Files per Day 28248 32875
Pages per Day 30620 38479
Visits per Day 152 275
KBytes per Day 260757 556729
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 3
Code 200 - OK 593223
Code 206 - Partial Content 29
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 22478
Code 302 - Found 22
Code 304 - Not Modified 52
Code 400 - Bad Request 31
Code 403 - Forbidden 19
Code 404 - Not Found 29752
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 8
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 97

Daily usage for October 2024

Daily Statistics for October 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 37547 5.81% 32875 5.54% 37484 5.83% 161 5.02% 90 6.11% 194686 3.56%
2 33565 5.20% 31936 5.38% 33509 5.21% 120 3.74% 89 6.04% 210973 3.85%
3 33116 5.13% 32087 5.41% 33076 5.14% 139 4.33% 82 5.56% 200709 3.67%
4 37580 5.82% 32600 5.50% 37416 5.82% 159 4.96% 110 7.46% 179012 3.27%
5 36348 5.63% 32347 5.45% 36229 5.63% 272 8.48% 218 14.79% 177933 3.25%
6 33278 5.15% 32422 5.47% 33192 5.16% 147 4.58% 79 5.36% 162109 2.96%
7 38628 5.98% 32279 5.44% 38479 5.98% 114 3.55% 75 5.09% 110840 2.02%
8 37118 5.75% 27606 4.65% 37010 5.76% 119 3.71% 62 4.21% 114686 2.09%
9 18981 2.94% 17357 2.93% 18881 2.94% 120 3.74% 87 5.90% 112424 2.05%
10 28889 4.47% 27415 4.62% 28819 4.48% 127 3.96% 106 7.19% 108394 1.98%
11 23971 3.71% 23129 3.90% 23811 3.70% 116 3.62% 71 4.82% 115809 2.11%
12 29939 4.64% 27123 4.57% 29888 4.65% 127 3.96% 76 5.16% 352812 6.44%
13 31240 4.84% 28145 4.74% 31050 4.83% 275 8.57% 312 21.17% 392532 7.17%
14 30939 4.79% 30417 5.13% 30760 4.78% 166 5.17% 195 13.23% 517438 9.45%
15 31970 4.95% 30375 5.12% 31726 4.93% 182 5.67% 216 14.65% 482013 8.80%
16 20954 3.25% 20731 3.49% 20929 3.25% 157 4.89% 89 6.04% 310996 5.68%
17 30776 4.77% 30167 5.09% 30725 4.78% 139 4.33% 85 5.77% 556729 10.17%
18 31265 4.84% 30225 5.10% 30714 4.78% 199 6.20% 115 7.80% 477667 8.72%
19 33831 5.24% 30266 5.10% 33764 5.25% 137 4.27% 84 5.70% 457055 8.35%
20 27260 4.22% 26873 4.53% 27085 4.21% 168 5.24% 108 7.33% 125290 2.29%
21 18519 2.87% 16848 2.84% 18474 2.87% 171 5.33% 109 7.39% 115782 2.11%

Hourly usage for October 2024

Hourly Statistics for October 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1284 26969 4.18% 1206 25345 4.27% 1282 26925 4.19% 12379 259960 4.75%
1 1250 26269 4.07% 1203 25272 4.26% 1249 26241 4.08% 12307 258453 4.72%
2 1309 27499 4.26% 1220 25638 4.32% 1303 27378 4.26% 12845 269749 4.93%
3 1240 26053 4.03% 1200 25201 4.25% 1236 25972 4.04% 11915 250209 4.57%
4 1382 29041 4.50% 1203 25263 4.26% 1377 28925 4.50% 11275 236775 4.32%
5 1247 26200 4.06% 1203 25275 4.26% 1236 25961 4.04% 11115 233417 4.26%
6 1275 26787 4.15% 1210 25429 4.29% 1253 26324 4.09% 11003 231060 4.22%
7 1430 30049 4.65% 1220 25635 4.32% 1420 29838 4.64% 11480 241081 4.40%
8 1510 31727 4.91% 1201 25241 4.25% 1504 31588 4.91% 10880 228490 4.17%
9 1274 26755 4.14% 1198 25163 4.24% 1271 26710 4.15% 9586 201302 3.68%
10 1235 25944 4.02% 1206 25345 4.27% 1233 25898 4.03% 9789 205578 3.75%
11 1314 27605 4.28% 1146 24085 4.06% 1309 27496 4.28% 10205 214300 3.91%
12 1176 24697 3.82% 1109 23289 3.93% 1174 24655 3.83% 10020 210413 3.84%
13 1175 24694 3.82% 1112 23354 3.94% 1173 24643 3.83% 10213 214467 3.92%
14 1205 25315 3.92% 1127 23685 3.99% 1202 25250 3.93% 9755 204853 3.74%
15 1220 25621 3.97% 1186 24916 4.20% 1216 25548 3.97% 10160 213356 3.90%
16 1266 26587 4.12% 1169 24556 4.14% 1260 26473 4.12% 10135 212831 3.89%
17 1355 28474 4.41% 1155 24266 4.09% 1349 28337 4.41% 9813 206078 3.76%
18 1186 24909 3.86% 1154 24242 4.09% 1181 24812 3.86% 9474 198956 3.63%
19 1248 26228 4.06% 1152 24194 4.08% 1238 26003 4.04% 9966 209291 3.82%
20 1213 25489 3.95% 1163 24426 4.12% 1212 25455 3.96% 10756 225874 4.12%
21 1380 28983 4.49% 1184 24881 4.19% 1375 28894 4.49% 11693 245559 4.48%
22 1346 28274 4.38% 1168 24541 4.14% 1343 28207 4.39% 11996 251906 4.60%
23 1216 25545 3.96% 1141 23981 4.04% 1213 25488 3.96% 11997 251929 4.60%

Top 30 of 170 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 537227 83.20% 84087 1.54% /content.aspx
2 21520 3.33% 2712802 49.54% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202409.html
3 18970 2.94% 2028802 37.05% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202410.html
4 5413 0.84% 57338 1.05% /plesk-stat/webstat/
5 5343 0.83% 105542 1.93% /samparl/login.aspx
6 1306 0.20% 163815 2.99% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202402.html
7 1259 0.19% 159626 2.92% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202403.html
8 380 0.06% 172 0.00% /Robots.aspx
9 121 0.02% 5107 0.09% /Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd
10 113 0.02% 10365 0.19% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202206.html
11 109 0.02% 240 0.00% /Components/General/XMLSitemap.aspx
12 109 0.02% 10538 0.19% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202006.html
13 57 0.01% 272 0.00% /Scripts/Menu/Menu.js
14 57 0.01% 2374 0.04% /Scripts/Zoom/magicthumb.js
15 55 0.01% 1506 0.03% /Scripts/FancyBox.js
16 55 0.01% 1008 0.02% /Scripts/Functions.js
17 52 0.01% 2784 0.05% /Scripts/JPlayer/jquery.jplayer.min.js
18 41 0.01% 580 0.01% /WebResource.axd
19 39 0.01% 2077 0.04% /App_Themes/Default-fa-IR/Telerik/SAMPA/Telerik.SAMPA.css
20 39 0.01% 784 0.01% /App_Themes/Default-fa-IR/Telerik/Skins/Skins.css
21 36 0.01% 2395 0.04% /App_Themes/Default-fa-IR/Default-fa-IR.css
22 32 0.00% 2243 0.04% /App_Themes/Default-fa-IR/dDefault-fa-IR.css
23 25 0.00% 202 0.00% /Fonts/FontIcon.woff
24 24 0.00% 2272 0.04% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202105.html
25 23 0.00% 1525 0.03% /Fonts/NazaninBold.ttf
26 22 0.00% 1813 0.03% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202307.html
27 22 0.00% 2415 0.04% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202308.html
28 20 0.00% 114 0.00% /Image/favicon.ico
29 17 0.00% 94 0.00% /content/media/image/2014/12/10_thum.jpeg
30 17 0.00% 1228 0.02% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202108.html

Top 10 of 170 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 21520 3.33% 2712802 49.54% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202409.html
2 18970 2.94% 2028802 37.05% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202410.html
3 1306 0.20% 163815 2.99% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202402.html
4 1259 0.19% 159626 2.92% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202403.html
5 5343 0.83% 105542 1.93% /samparl/login.aspx
6 537227 83.20% 84087 1.54% /content.aspx
7 5413 0.84% 57338 1.05% /plesk-stat/webstat/
8 109 0.02% 10538 0.19% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202006.html
9 113 0.02% 10365 0.19% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202206.html
10 121 0.02% 5107 0.09% /Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd

Top 10 of 67 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 537227 83.20% 1075 37.03% /content.aspx
2 5413 0.84% 377 12.99% /plesk-stat/webstat/
3 380 0.06% 345 11.88% /Robots.aspx
4 21520 3.33% 202 6.96% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202409.html
5 18970 2.94% 132 4.55% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202410.html
6 109 0.02% 103 3.55% /Components/General/XMLSitemap.aspx
7 113 0.02% 95 3.27% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202206.html
8 109 0.02% 51 1.76% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202006.html
9 24 0.00% 31 1.07% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202105.html
10 22 0.00% 27 0.93% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202308.html

Top 10 of 69 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 537227 83.20% 1048 36.59% /content.aspx
2 5413 0.84% 417 14.56% /plesk-stat/webstat/
3 380 0.06% 299 10.44% /Robots.aspx
4 21520 3.33% 204 7.12% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202409.html
5 18970 2.94% 132 4.61% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202410.html
6 109 0.02% 105 3.67% /Components/General/XMLSitemap.aspx
7 113 0.02% 92 3.21% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202206.html
8 24 0.00% 35 1.22% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202105.html
9 22 0.00% 26 0.91% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202308.html
10 22 0.00% 22 0.77% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202307.html

Top 30 of 1474 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 378908 58.68% 378908 63.87% 0 0.00% 3 0.09%
2 73195 11.34% 73195 12.34% 28121 0.51% 17 0.53%
3 66788 10.34% 66788 11.26% 22414 0.41% 8 0.25%
4 25144 3.89% 25142 4.24% 2632677 48.08% 8 0.25%
5 14968 2.32% 14968 2.52% 1657448 30.27% 3 0.09%
6 11965 1.85% 11965 2.02% 5118 0.09% 1 0.03%
7 5908 0.91% 0 0.00% 6751 0.12% 2 0.06%
8 3957 0.61% 3957 0.67% 456563 8.34% 1 0.03%
9 3767 0.58% 1030 0.17% 9992 0.18% 1 0.03%
10 3362 0.52% 852 0.14% 9891 0.18% 6 0.19%
11 2954 0.46% 0 0.00% 3375 0.06% 1 0.03%
12 2954 0.46% 0 0.00% 3375 0.06% 1 0.03%
13 2954 0.46% 0 0.00% 3375 0.06% 1 0.03%
14 2954 0.46% 0 0.00% 3375 0.06% 1 0.03%
15 2954 0.46% 1 0.00% 4373 0.08% 1 0.03%
16 2954 0.46% 0 0.00% 3375 0.06% 1 0.03%
17 2743 0.42% 2437 0.41% 257570 4.70% 16 0.50%
18 2445 0.38% 677 0.11% 6565 0.12% 1 0.03%
19 2230 0.35% 598 0.10% 6049 0.11% 3 0.09%
20 2068 0.32% 2068 0.35% 852 0.02% 207 6.45%
21 1975 0.31% 675 0.11% 3882 0.07% 1 0.03%
22 1923 0.30% 1923 0.32% 490 0.01% 254 7.92%
23 1389 0.22% 376 0.06% 3628 0.07% 7 0.22%
24 1254 0.19% 621 0.10% 5908 0.11% 7 0.22%
25 1207 0.19% 1207 0.20% 130638 2.39% 28 0.87%
26 1136 0.18% 289 0.05% 3205 0.06% 1 0.03%
27 941 0.15% 2 0.00% 1533 0.03% 2 0.06%
28 910 0.14% 227 0.04% 2570 0.05% 1 0.03%
29 768 0.12% 0 0.00% 1252 0.02% 1 0.03%
30 768 0.12% 0 0.00% 1252 0.02% 1 0.03%

Top 10 of 1474 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 25144 3.89% 25142 4.24% 2632677 48.08% 8 0.25%
2 14968 2.32% 14968 2.52% 1657448 30.27% 3 0.09%
3 3957 0.61% 3957 0.67% 456563 8.34% 1 0.03%
4 2743 0.42% 2437 0.41% 257570 4.70% 16 0.50%
5 1207 0.19% 1207 0.20% 130638 2.39% 28 0.87%
6 73195 11.34% 73195 12.34% 28121 0.51% 17 0.53%
7 66788 10.34% 66788 11.26% 22414 0.41% 8 0.25%
8 3767 0.58% 1030 0.17% 9992 0.18% 1 0.03%
9 3362 0.52% 852 0.14% 9891 0.18% 6 0.19%
10 104 0.02% 104 0.02% 9764 0.18% 1 0.03%

Top 30 of 309 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 62466 9.67% - (Direct Request)
2 24451 3.79%
3 24382 3.78%
4 24374 3.77%
5 24335 3.77%
6 24331 3.77%
7 24319 3.77%
8 24303 3.76%
9 24300 3.76%
10 24286 3.76%
11 24285 3.76%
12 24276 3.76%
13 24257 3.76%
14 24248 3.76%
15 24240 3.75%
16 24220 3.75%
17 24208 3.75%
18 24181 3.74%
19 24179 3.74%
20 24169 3.74%
21 24163 3.74%
22 13058 2.02%
23 11699 1.81%
24 10062 1.56%
25 6207 0.96%
26 5655 0.88%
27 5392 0.84%
28 5294 0.82% https://xn----htbk0aietd.xn--p1ai
29 5248 0.81%
30 1762 0.27%

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 100.00% jeruk33

Top 15 of 695 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 531051 82.24% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+Googlebot/2.1;++
2 3296 0.51% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0.0;+Win64;+x64;+)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/124.0.6367.119+Chrome/124.0.6367.119+Not-A.Brand/99++Safari/537.36
3 3230 0.50% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/
4 3218 0.50% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0.0;+Win64;+x64;+)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/124.0.6367.62+Chrome/124.0.6367.62+Not-A.Brand/99++Safari/537.36
5 3213 0.50% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0.0;+Win64;+x64;+)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/124.0.6367.63+Chrome/124.0.6367.63+Not-A.Brand/99++Safari/537.36
6 3195 0.49% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0.0;+Win64;+x64;+)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/124.0.6367.78+Chrome/124.0.6367.78+Not-A.Brand/99++Safari/537.36
7 3191 0.49% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+15.0.0;+Win64;+x64;+)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/124.0.6367.119+Chrome/124.0.6367.119+Not-A.Brand/99++Safari/537.36
8 3189 0.49% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/124.0.6367.92+Safari/537.36
9 3187 0.49% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/
10 3176 0.49% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64;+)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/124.0.6367.61+Chrome/124.0.6367.61+Not-A.Brand/99++Safari/537.36
11 3161 0.49% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+15.0.0;+Win64;+x64;+)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/124.0.6367.60+Chrome/124.0.6367.60+Not-A.Brand/99++Safari/537.36
12 3160 0.49% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0.0;+Win64;+x64;+)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/124.0.6367.91+Chrome/124.0.6367.91+Not-A.Brand/99++Safari/537.36
13 3141 0.49% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0.0;+Win64;+x64;+)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/124.0.6367.93+Chrome/124.0.6367.93+Not-A.Brand/99++Safari/537.36
14 3125 0.48% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0.0;+Win64;+x64;+)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/124.0.6367.61+Chrome/124.0.6367.61+Not-A.Brand/99++Safari/537.36
15 3052 0.47% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0.0;+Win64;+x64;+)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/124.0.6367.60+Chrome/124.0.6367.60+Not-A.Brand/99++Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for October 2024

Top 23 of 23 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 378908 58.68% 378908 63.87% 0 0.00% Portugal
2 224115 34.71% 202896 34.20% 4893584 89.37% Unresolved/Unknown
3 21940 3.40% 9205 1.55% 463826 8.47% Russian Federation
4 10864 1.68% 1554 0.26% 77953 1.42% US Commercial
5 9210 1.43% 227 0.04% 23542 0.43% Network
6 352 0.05% 293 0.05% 13656 0.25% Germany
7 241 0.04% 74 0.01% 853 0.02% Indonesia
8 36 0.01% 35 0.01% 1218 0.02% US Educational
9 10 0.00% 4 0.00% 162 0.00% Non-Profit Organization
10 7 0.00% 3 0.00% 33 0.00% Old style Arpanet (arpa)
11 6 0.00% 6 0.00% 508 0.01% Cocos (Keeling) Islands
12 5 0.00% 3 0.00% 64 0.00% Romania
13 5 0.00% 4 0.00% 42 0.00% Singapore
14 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 26 0.00% Switzerland
15 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Chile
16 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 80 0.00% China
17 2 0.00% 1 0.00% 40 0.00% Spain
18 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 20 0.00% Ukraine
19 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Argentina
20 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 14 0.00% Brazil
21 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 127 0.00% Canada
22 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 11 0.00% Norway
23 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 127 0.00% Taiwan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01